The Wheel and The Cross
Meditation on suffering and redemptionA performance work for music, film/art installation, interactive video, and dance.
Japanese court music will be prominently featured in a performance at
Senshin Buddhist Temple located at 1311 West 37th Street, Los Angeles, CA
90007-3960, (213) 731-4617, on Friday, March 19."The Wheel and the Cross" is a artistic collaboration that includes the wind and
percussion instruments of gagaku (Japanese court music) in combination with
Western string instruments.Kinnara Gagaku rehearsingThe work integrates these musical resources with dancer that includes ritual as well
as modern choreography, film that includes brief portrait interviews with members of
the communities in which the work is performed as well as a nine-panel montage of
footage that evokes insider experiences of immigration.Short readings from Buddhist and Christian texts that offer perspectives on human
suffering and the way beyond it are also integrated within the performance.In addition to this Friday's performance at Senshin Buddhist Temple in South Los
Angeles on March 19 at 8 PM, the work will be presented at Blessed Sacrament
Church in Hollywood, 6657 West Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028-7121, (323)
462-6311, on March 20 at 7:30PM, and in Murphy Recital Hall at Loyola Marymount
University, 1LMU Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045, on March 21 at 5 PM.Admission is free and open to members of all communities.
For more information, visit"The WHEEL and the CROSS" is made possible by a grant from the U.S.
Department of Justice administered through the California Arts Council.