Los Angeles Buddhist Temple Federation with members of 8 Japanese temples annually observes a special Hanamatsuri service to celebrate the Buddha’s birth. This year’s Hanamatsuri service will be held at Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, 244 South San Pedro Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, on Sunday, April 3 from 1:00 pm.
Hanamatsuri event will features the service officiated by all priests from the affiliated temples, a theatrical performance by Miraclecats, a group of children with special needs and their siblings of the Japanese Speaking Parents Association of Children with Challenges.
Also, there will be a sermon by Rev. Gyokei Yokoyama, the chairperson of the Hanamatsuri Committee and the minister of Long Beach Buddhist Church on the “thread of life.”
Los Angeles Buddhist Temple Federation consists of 8 Japanese temples: Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple, Jodoshu North America Buddhist Missions, Koyasan Buddhist Temple, Long Beach Buddhist Church, Nichiren Shu Beikoku Betsuin, LA Hompa (Nishi) Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, Senshin Buddhist Temple, and Zenshuji Soto Mission.
For more information, Rev. Yokoyama at (562) 426-4014 or LBBC@longbeachbuddistchurch.us