Initiated by UCLA architecture professor Hitoshi Abe, Little Tokyo Design Week: Future City (LTDW) will be held from July 14-17 in Little Tokyo, Downtown Los Angeles. The all events are open to the public.
LTDW celebrates the power and energy of cutting edge design and technology emerging from Japan and its intersection with current trends materializing in Los Angeles.
LTDW will present a series of programs that integrate Little Tokyo’s Big Three cultural institutions (Japanese American National Museum (JANM), Japanese American Cultural and Community Center (JACCC), and The
Geffen Contemporary at MOCA), community partners, retailers, and restaurants.
LTDW will engage local and international designers, artists, architects, filmmakers, corporations, and students from the Southern California region to explore possible scenarios for a “New Urban Lifestyle.”
Produced in collaboration with Community Arts Resources (CARS).
Steel Shipping Container Galleries and Displays (open entire week of LTDW from 2 pm daily)
Eastern Japan Earthquake Installation
Robot Box: Japanese Robots Leading a Bright Future
WIFI / Interactive Exhibit
Toyota Alternative Energy Vehicle Display
Exhibits by USC, UCLA,SCI-Arc. & Art Center College of Design
Three Container Exhibits by Chiyoda 3331
High-Tech Housing Display by Daiwa House
Tokyo/L.A. Houses
Museum Exhibits (open entire week of LTDW)
Art in the Streets (MOCA)
Ultra Expo (JANM)
Year of the Rabbit: Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo (JAMN)
Struggling Cities: From Japanese Urban Project in the 1960s (JACCC)
Schedule of Events
Thursday, July 14
5:00 – 6:00 pm, Director’s Symposium (JANM)
6:00 – 7:30 pm, The Metropolis of Me: New Narratives of Urban Interface (JANM)
7:00 – 9:00 pm, Little Tokyo Restaurant and Bar Crawl
Friday, July 15
4:00 – 6:00 pm, RE-ENVISIONING the Los Angeles Downtown Arts District & Little Tokyo Community: A Neighborhood Design Workshop (JACCC)
5;30 pm, Food Trucks Near JACCC Plaza
6:00 – 7:30 pm, Your Body is a City (JANM)
8:00 pm, Outdoor Film Screening: Tonari no Totro (My Neighbor Totoro) (JACCC Plaza)
Saturday, July 16
3:30 – 5:00 pm, Ultra Exposure, Reception (JANM)
5:00 – 6:30 pm, Ultra Exposure, Symposium (JANM)
6:00 pm, Food Trucks & Music by KCRW
8:00 – 10:00 pm, Pecha Kucha Night (JACCC Plaza)
10:00 – 11:30 pm, LTDW Official After Party with music by KCRW (JACCC Plaza)
Sunday, July 17
3:00 – 5:00 pm, Golden Astroboy Award Ceremony and Environment in the Future City (East West Player)
More information can be found at