Fowler Museum Kasuri Exhibition


Fowler in Focus: Japanese Pictorial Ikats from the Krauss Collection

The Fowler Museum at UCLA

January 8–June 24, 2012

Sake-swilling imps, Buddhist saints in the form of pop-up dolls, turtles trailing seaweed as longevity symbols—welcome to the engaging imagery of Japanese e-gasuri, or “picture ikat” cloth.

Japanese weavers, like their counterparts in South, Southeast, and Central Asia, mastered the art of ikat, or the resist-dyeing of patterns into yarn before it is woven into cloth.

Kasuri is the name of a rustic type of Japanese ikat cloth, almost always dyed deep blue with indigo. E-gasuri designates kasuri cloth with pictorial motifs.

Fowler in Focus: Japanese Pictorial Ikats from the Krauss Collection features approximately thirty cloths selected from a collection of more than two hundred e-gasuri generously donated to the Fowler by Dr. Jeffery Krauss of Potomac, Maryland.

The Fowler Museum at UCLA is one of the country's most respected institutions devoted to exploring the arts and cultures of Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and the Americas.

The Fowler is open Wednesday through Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. and Thursday from noon to 8 p.m. The museum is closed Mondays and Tuesdays.

The Fowler Museum, part of UCLA Arts, is located in the north part of the UCLA campus. Admission is free. Parking is available for a maximum of $11 in Lot 4. For more information, the public may call (310) 825-4361 or visit