20151109 CN NovP01-3

Thanks for the supports from the community, the November issue was able to issue on Nov. 6.

For subscription, visit www.culturalnews.com/subscription


As of November 11 the total amount of the donation reaches $18,760.

Cultural News is published for

Introducing the best of Japanese art exhibitions and cultural events to the public in Los Angeles

Cultural News is subscribed by

  • Enthusiasts of Japanese art and culture
  • Seekers for their Japanese heritage
  • Japan’s natives rediscovering their culture outside of Japan

The standard budget of the Cultural News operation in past five years is $35,000 annually. The standard annual revenue consists of donations for $10,000, subscriptions for $15,000, and advertisement supports for $10,000.

Cultural News currently seeks $30,000 fund for the 2015-2017 fiscal years by Dec. 31 for 2015-2017.

As of October 6, the total amount of the donation reaches $11,348.

“Come to Japanese Art and Cultural Places” is the campaign title of the missions by Cultural News.


Three ways to support “Come to Japanese Art and Cultural Places” campaign:

Send your donation: www.culturalnews.com/donation

Buy your subscription and/or a gift subscription for your friend: www.culturalnews.com/subscription

Open your account with the website of www.culturalnews.com : www.culturalnews.com/?page_id=12481

When you like to send money from bank account from Japan to Cultural News, remittance information is following:

Name of Bank Account: Cultural News Inc

Name of Bank: MUFG Union Bank


Account Number: 1020033564

For inquiries, contact Shige Higashi by email higashi@culturalnews.com or call (213) 819-4100.