“Techno Hoyo” is a creation of Rev. Gyosen Asakura from Fukui City, Japan where he combines his talent as a DJ with his vocation as a Jodo Shinshu monk to create a fusion work combining chants with lights and images to spark the imagination and to bring peace to the inner spirit.
In “Techo Hoyo U.S. Tour,” Rev. Asakura and Madoka Kohno from cyberNamunamu transform age-old Buddhist teachings into an immersive and inspirational experience.
From Fukui, Japan, Rev. Gyosen Asakura will bring his masterwork “Techno Hoyo” to:
Saturday, September 14 at 7 p.m.
Town and Gown at University of Southern California (USC)
665 W. Exposition Blvd, Los Angeles
Website: https://dornsife.usc.edu/cjrc/events/
Sunday, September 15 at 4 p.m.
Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
815 East 1st St. Los Angeles, CA 90012
Website: Techno Hoyo in L.A. https://subscribepage.io/technohoyo_la
In a small temple in Fukui, Japan, DJ-turned-priest Gyosen Asakura is using his DJ skills to invoke the Buddhist "pure land" with high-tech light and electronic music, hoping to attract young people to the religion.
Shin Buddhists envision Nirvana through the realm of Amida Buddha's Pure Land. Their traditional alters and the melodies of chanting (shomyo) have been descended by devoted practitioners with the best techniques back in the time. Rev. Gyosen Aasakura introduced the Techno Hoyo, which is an experiment to visualize the Buddha's Pure Land with the latest technologies.
A creative activity born out of empathy for Techno Hoyo. As traditional Buddhist art was supported by numerous sculptors and painters, Digital Artist, Mr. Madoka Kono, is taking the lead in developing Buddhist expressions using modern technology.
Rev. Asakura’s journey is as remarkable as his music. Born to priestly parents, he initially chose a different path, pursuing his passion for music. However, he eventually returned to the temple, only to find that traditional methods were no longer attracting the younger generation. In a bold and innovative move, he decided to blend his love for music with his spiritual mission, using techno and light shows to reconnect and engage with a broader audience, making Buddhism accessible and exciting.
Rev. GYOSEN ASAKURA Head minister of Shoonji Temple, Fukui Japan
“The Pure Land is a world of light where time and space transcend.” A former DJ who transformed a Shin Buddhist priest, Rev. Asakura, has devised “Techno Hoyo” that decorates the temple and wherever spaces such as concert halls and outdoors with projector lights and arranges techno music. In addition to his popularity in Japan, he has been receiving worldwide recognition for over 10 years, including many high-profile interviews with sources like the BBC, NBC, etc.
Mr. MADOKA KOHNO Producer, digital creator, Representative “cyberNamunamu”
Born in Hiroshima, Japan, Mr. Madoka Kohno is a visionary creator. Overcoming personal challenges with ADHD and bouts of depression, Madoka discovered solace and inspiration in Rev. Asakura's "Techno Hoyo”. This transformative experience ignited Madoka's passion to share the therapeutic potential of this art with others. His wish is to spread the healing power of art and technology, to bring it into this life work, Madoka founded “Cyber Namunamu” and imgee, Inc.
Featured on YouTube
BBC Trending https://youtu.be/CFjZcLUAEqE?si=6J3Y-NwKECbYyeCg
Great Big Story https://youtu.be/DmbWDhyY94o?si=IFYTq0jekyItDz9X
WTHR 13 News https://youtu.be/DDfYYb9CLt8?si=EM9kBfyVi_qLzzQc
Techo Hoyo U.S. Tour
September 8: NYC, NY / New York Buddhist Church. Free & Open to the Public. Register for Free
September 9: NYC, NY / New York Buddhist Church. Free & Open to the Public. Register for Free
September 10: NYC, NY / New York Buddhist Church. Free & Open to the Public. Register for Free
September 11: NYC, NY / New York Buddhist Church. 9/11 Special Memorial Service, Free & Open to the Public. Register for Free
September 14: Los Angeles, CA / University of Southern California. Free, Limited Tickets Available Register for Free
September 15: Los Angeles, CA / Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. Free & Open to the Public More Event Information
September 17 — 3PM & 7PM: San Jose, CA / San Jose Buddhist Church. Free & Open to the Public. More Event Information
September 18: San Jose, CA / San Jose Buddhist Church. Free & Open to the Public.