Makoto Taiko
2023/6/24 : Makoto Taiko to present annual concert – “Legacy” June 24, 7PM at Little Tokyo’s Aratani Theatre
Pasadena, Calf. – The power, precision and artistry of Japanese drumming will take center stage when Makoto Taiko pres…
2022 / Makoto Taiko to present first concert after two-year of pandemic challenges at Aratani Theatre, June 18, 7PM
Makoto Taiko invites the public to join their 23rd anniversary concert– “Hajime!” – on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at the A…
Protected: 2019/Makoto Taiko’s 20th anniversary concert at Arcadia Performing Arts Center, June 8 & 9
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2018 / Educational taiko group to present annual concert at Arcadia Performing Arts Center, June 2
Forwarded for Makoto Taiko
Makoto Taiko Annual Concert
Saturday, June 2 at 7:00pm
Arcadia Performing Arts Center
188 C…
2017 / LA Event Link - A screening for Understanding the Whale War, June 14 & 17
LA Event Link - A screening for Understanding the Whale War, June 14 & 17
Understanding the Whale War
A Film Screeni…
2017 / Makoto Taiko with Grammy winner Koji Nakamura to present annual concert at Arcadia Performing Arts Center, May 6
Forwarded for Makoto Taiko
With a history of Sold-Out shows, Makoto Taiko presents RISE!
This powerful concert of Japa…
2017/Makoto Taiko with Grammy winner Koji Nakamura to present “RISE!” concert at Arcadia Performing Arts, May 6
Makoto Taiko in Pasadena presents “RISE!” - its 11th Annual Concert on Saturday, May 6 at 7:00 pm at Arcadia Performing A…
2016 / Taiko concert with Koto and Violin at Occidental College, June 4
Pasadena-based community taiko ensemble Makoto Taiko will present its seventeenth annual concert entitled, “One PU…
2014 / Makoto Taiko led by renowned player Koji Nakamura to present its 15th Anniversary Concert, June 28
Makoto Taiko will present their 15th Anniversary Concert "Kizuna" on Saturday, June 28, 2014 at Occidental College's…
2011 / World Festival of Sacred Music
October 1-16, 2011, Los Angeles
Saturday, Oct, 8, 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Makoto Taiko
Venue: T…
American Taiko Update / Makoto Taiko to perform at Occicental College, June25
Makoto Taiko of Pasadena will present their annual taiko drumming performance, featuring world renowned taiko drumm…