Honolulu Summer Taiko IntensivesTaiko Center of the Pacific presents 16th annual Summer Taiko Intensives from Aug. 28 –  Sept. 1 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

A variety of classes will be offered including: shrine dance movement, small rope-lashed taiko, transverse bamboo flute, upright taiko, Japanese Festival taiko ensemble music, and the Korean Changgo (hour-glass shaped drum).

This year, special guest instructor Kyosuke Suzuki from the renowned Wakayama Shachu performing group in Tokyo, Japan, will teach three courses on “Kagura Mai” (shrine dance movement), “shimedaiko,” the small high-pitched rope-lashed taiko drum which utilizes great technique and stick control, and “yokobue,” the transverse bamboo flute.

World-class taiko artist Kenny Endo will be teaching “beta chudaiko,” the upright traditional style of taiko drumming. This is a great style for students of all skill levels.

Each intensive course will meet daily from Monday-Friday, Aug. 28 - Sept 1.

The cost per class is $150 for youth to age 17, and $170 for adults ages 18+.
The schedule is: Monday – Friday, Aug. 28 – Sept. 1, 2017

9-10:45 am: Korean Changgo Drumming with Mary Jo Freshley

3:15-5 pm:   Kagura Mai (shrine dance movement) with Kyosuke Suzuki

5:15-7 pm:   Shimedaiko drumming (small roped-lashed drum) with Kyosuke Suzuki

5:15-7 pm:   Beta chudaiko drumming (upright drum) with Kenny Endo

7:15-9 pm:   Fue (bamboo flute) with Kyosuke Suzuki

7:15-9 pm:   Japanese Festival Music with Sean Shibata
